Luke Jaffe

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I am a computer vision researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL), focusing on object localization and instance retrieval for applications including GeoAI, person re-identification, and materials recognition. I completed my PhD in EECS (Video and Image Processing (VIP) Lab) at University of California, Berkeley, under Prof. Avideh Zakhor. My dissertation was titled, "Representation Learning for Efficient Localized Image Retrieval", which will be available on this page when the embargo is lifted.

  • [Oct. 2024] Paper, "Swap Path Network for Robust Person Search Pre-training" was accepted to WACV25.
  • [May 2024] Graduated from EECS PhD program on 05/10!
  • [Jan. 2023] "Gallery Filter Network for Person Search" presented at WACV23: video link
  • [Oct. 2022] Paper, "Gallery Filter Network for Person Search" was accepted to WACV23.

Swap Path Network for Robust Person Search Pre-training
Lucas Jaffe, Avideh Zakhor
Accepted to WACV25
| ieee | arxiv | code | video |

The Swap Path Network (SPNet) is a model for person search with two pathways that share weights: the query-centric pathway is more robust to label noise, and is used for pre-training, and the object-centric pathway is more efficient and performant, and is used for fine-tuning and inference.

Gallery Filter Network for Person Search
Lucas Jaffe, Avideh Zakhor
| ieee | arxiv | code | video |

The Gallery Filter Network (GFN), is a novel module for person search, which can efficiently discard gallery scenes from the search process, and benefit scoring for persons detected in remaining scenes.

Remote Sensor Design for Visual Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
Lucas Jaffe, Michael Zelinski, Wesam Sakla
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019
| ieee | arXiv | code | slides |

We show sensors designed for human recognition do not produce imagery optimal for deep learning algorithms, and develop a framework for optimizing for automated recognition.

  Other Projects

Analysis of Gradient Descent on the Triplet Margin Loss
Lucas Jaffe
EECS227C, UC Berkeley, 2020
| report | code |

Class project studying gradient descent on the triplet margin loss function, a non-convex objective function used for metric learning.

Hand Action Recognition in G-D Video Data
Lucas Jaffe
CS231A, Stanford, 2018
| report | code |

Class project exploring rapid prototyping of hand action recognition systems for RGB + depth video data from the CamBoard pico monstar camera.

Super-Resolution to Improve Classification Accuracy of Low-Resolution Images
Lucas Jaffe, Shiv Sundram, Christian Martínez Nieves
CS231N, Stanford, 2017
| report | code |

Class project investigating whether image super-resolution can be used to enhance the discriminative features of imagery, such that the transformed imagery is more amenable to classification.

Deep Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition from Surveillance Imagery
Wesam Sakla, Lucas Jaffe
CASIS Workshop, LLNL, 2017
| slides |

Project at LLNL exploring fine-grained recognition of vehicles in overhead imagery using deep learning models and the triplet margin loss function.


Deep Learning Tutorial
Lucas Jaffe, Cindy Gonzales
Winter Hackathon, LLNL, 2021
| article |

A deep learning tutorial I gave with Cindy Gonzales as part of the Winter Hackathon at LLNL in February 2021.

Deep Learning 101
Brenda Ng, Lucas Jaffe, T. Nathan Mundhenk
LLNL, 2019
| article |

An introductory deep learning class I helped teach at LLNL in January 2019.

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